Israelites First War (Exodus 17:8-16)

Bible Summary:

The Amalekites attack the Israelites at Rephidim. Moses calls Joshua to pick out some men to fight back. The Israelites do well as long as Moses raises his stick on a hill above the battle, but falter when he lowers it, so Aaron and Hur bring him a stone to keep the stick held high all day until they win.

My Thoughts:

The Stone: There are many ways to interpret this story. It can be viewed strictly as a historical event where the Israelites won their first battle. Or, the focus can be placed on Joshua stepping up to Moses’ call to begin what becomes a long military career. Another approach is how God helped the Israelites again through Moses’ use of God’s stick to help his troops. And, one could always talk about how they never would have won without Aaron and Hur’s help.

But, I would like to focus on one other element of the story – the stone. The stone seems to be a very insignificant part of the story, but without it the Israelites would have lost and we likely would not be studying the Bible today. The stone carries the weight and does its job without complaint. The stone receives no acknowledgement, no praise, but that is okay because it is just a stone.

Sometimes we feel like the stone. We may be the pivotal part of the operation, hold up our role, and then someone else receives all the glory, like Joshua and Moses. Don’t let it get you down. God knows what you did and He will reward you. Hopefully I am speaking for Him today by sending you a heartfelt “Thank You.”