James Cameron to dive Mariana Trench

James Cameron is more than a filmmaker (“Avatar” and “Titanic”); he is also an explorer. Cameron plans to dive seven miles into the Pacific’s Mariana Trench in a “Deep sea Challenge” also sponsored by National Geographic and Rolex.  We continue to explore the far reaches of this planet we call home. Read more in the James Cameron plans deep sea dive in Pacific story at Reuters.

Madonna creating schools in Malawi

The singer Madonna’s charity called Raising Malawi is teaming up with buildOn to create ten new schools to teach 1,000 students each year in the east Africa country of Malawi.  Madonna has a special place in her heart for Malawi having adopted two children from this AIDS ravaged country where over 500,000 children have been orphaned from the epidemic. It is great to see entertainers investing their money in great causes like this.  In her spare time, Madonna will be singing during the Super Bowl halftime show this Sunday.  You go girl!

Learn more in the Madonna plans 10 schools in Malawi with new partner story at Reuters.

Warren Buffett to sing at Chinese New Year

Warren Buffet, the investment guru, is to sing by video during China’s Spring Festival gala that kicks off the Chinese New Year on January 23rd.  Who thought he could sing and play guitar?  Read the whole Warren Buffett to perform for China over Chinese New Year story at Reuters.

It is interesting that we place people into one category and forget they are so much more.  Warren is a husband, a father, a grandfather, plays bridge, follows Nebraska football, and I am sure many other great things besides an investment guru. From the “Personal life” section about Warren Buffett at Wikipedia.

Curbing Racy Entertainment in China

President Hu Jintao reduces the number of racy programs in China, focusing instead on shows that “promote traditional virtues and socialist core value.”  It seems China is experiencing the temptations Jesus warned us about 2000 years ago.  The question is if this is from the “westernization” President Hu warns about or a generational difference, the president is 69.  Read the full China claims success in curbing racy entertainment story at Reuters.