Encyclopedia Britannica stops print editions

After 245 years, Encyclopedia Britannica will no longer be in print, only digital. They are selling their last 4000 print copies and then all future editions will be available on their website or through phone apps. They learned what all paper media providers have discovered – it is too expensive to produce in paper and the audience is all moving to digital. On the plus side, we should save a lot of trees. Learn more in the Encyclopedia Britannica ends print, goes digital story at Reuters.

Oriental Dreamworks films beginning 2016

Dreamworks has agreed to a joint venture with China Media Capital and Shanghai Media Group giving Dreamworks Animation more access to the growing Chinese movie appetite as shown by their $100 million ticket sales for Kung Fu Panda 2 last year. Relative Media and Legendary Entertainment are also moving into China. Learn more in the Dreamworks Animation heads to China story at Reuters.

Fifth of the world telecommutes

About one fifth of workers around the world telecommute – working at least part-time away from the office. Telecommuting varies by country with half the people working from home in India to less than 10 percent in Germany, France, Italy and Canada. Telecommuting gives workers flexibility but has its challenges, as I can attest to, like balancing family versus work time. Read the full About one in five workers worldwide telecommute: poll story at Reuters.

Apple to offer textbooks through iPads

Apple Inc is offering iBooks to high school and college students through iPads.  These interactive textbooks will cost $14.99 each via the iBook app starting Thursday.  Steve Jobs continues to make a difference even though he is gone.  Though, Apple’s Internet chief Eddy Cue declined to comment about making the $499 iPads cheaper to make iBooks available to poorer students.  Read the full Apple jumps into digital textbooks fray story at Reuters.

Warren Buffett to sing at Chinese New Year

Warren Buffet, the investment guru, is to sing by video during China’s Spring Festival gala that kicks off the Chinese New Year on January 23rd.  Who thought he could sing and play guitar?  Read the whole Warren Buffett to perform for China over Chinese New Year story at Reuters.

It is interesting that we place people into one category and forget they are so much more.  Warren is a husband, a father, a grandfather, plays bridge, follows Nebraska football, and I am sure many other great things besides an investment guru. From the “Personal life” section about Warren Buffett at Wikipedia.

Retailers Stay Open 24/7

Retailers like Macy’s and Best Buy are staying open 24 hours as we approach Christmas Day so last-minute shoppers have all the opportunities to get the gift they want for their loved ones.  Glad to hear about the good gesture, even though the retailers may not make any extra money.  Read the full Retailers’ graveyard shift wins over shoppers, analysts story at Reuters.

Holiday parties picking up

After a few years of decline, Holiday parties are beginning to pick up this year.  It is a good sign for businesses and will likely boost morale.  I recommend ALL businesses do something for your employees for the Holiday, even if just sharing a bag of Hershey Kisses!  It is the thought that counts.  See Holiday parties making comeback story at The Columbus Dispatch.

NEWS: Google working on incredible innovations

Google’s founders have created a lab called Google X which is investing time, money, and expertise into developing the next innovations that may bring us human-like robots, space elevators, and more.  This sound so much like Thomas Edison’s Menlo Park where he invented many new products including the light bulb.  Read the whole Top-secret facility working to awaken dreams story at the Columbus Dispatch.