Good business

Wow! I am truly grateful to meet very nice people in business. We are leaving to drive to Florida for vacation tonight so I filled the tank and checked the tire pressure, which you should always do before a long drive.  To my horror, I found a bulge on the sidewall of one of the tires. I found out online that this could lead to tire failure, so I panicked that we were not going to be able to get out tonight. I drove down to Firestone Complete Auto Care, told Fred my story and asked if he could fit us in since we were leaving in three hours. At first he was not sure and said maybe in a couple hours. I said I would have to call for someone to pick me up. Fred spoke to someone and they ended up getting right to replacing the tire. What a great experience. I will enjoy telling this story several times. Thanks guys!

Warning about 2012 end-of-world scare

Okay, I finally received a call from someone trying to scam people out of their money because of the impending end-of-the-world in 2012 as “predicted” by the Mayans. The man called himself Derek and asked if I was ready for the world to end. I said, “Yes,” and out of curiosity let him talk. I listened silently, so he kept asking if I was still there. I guess he had been hung up on a lot. Derek was surprised that I was not fearful and was ready for the end-of-the-world. He eventually got to the scam portion of his pitch and asked me to meet him downtown, presumably to give him some money.

Do not – I repeat – do NOT fall for these scams. These people are playing on everyone’s fears about something that will not happen. How do I know it will not happen? It has not happened so many times before. This list of end-of-world predictions from Wikipedia shows they are truly just “predictions”. These predictions are not truth even though sometimes they lead people into panic or into doing things to harm themselves or others. The Jim Jones massacre in 1978 where 909 people “drank the Kool-Aid” laced with cyanide shows how far this can go.

There is no need to fear. There is no need to panic. Even if by some remote chance, as depicted in the movies 2012 and The Day After Tomorrow, something does happen, you will end up in heaven in the loving arms of God along with all of your family, so why worry?

Do not put your faith in Mayan Indians from thousands of years ago or media that likes to sensationalize stories that increase fear and anxiety, put your faith in the one God who loves you and you will be fine no matter what happens in your life.

Peace be with you!

Whittle Thinker

Faith and forgiveness help deputy recover

Brandon Moore attributes his quick recovery and return to active duty 20-months after a life-threatening shooting to faith and forgiveness. Moore had nightmares weeks after being shot several times, including in the chest and “pulverizing” his leg. Many thought he would never return to activity duty again, but a great weight lifted and the nightmares stopped when he forgave the shooter. Now he speaks nationally to other officers about being vigilant, even in sleepy small towns like Mt. Gilead, Ohio. Read the full Deputy attributes life, recovery to faith story and see pictures from the Columbus Dispatch.

Forgiveness is much more important to the forgiver than receiver. This story shows its healing powers.


The Pursuit of Happyness

Set in the early 1980’s, Chris Gardner and his wife invest their life savings into bone density scanners, which he has a hard time selling because they are only slightly better than x-rays and more expensive. Due to their money troubles, his wife works two shifts to pay the bills. She soon becomes fed up and leaves him. Chris demands to keep his son (played by Will Smith’s real son) since he never wanted him to grow up without a father.

Chris meets a man driving a fancy red car and learns that he works for the investment company Dean Witter. The Dean Witter man is not interested in Chris since he is only a high school graduate, until Chris solves the a rubik’s cube (new back then) during a cab ride. Dean Witter gives Chris a shot as an intern which pays nothing against twenty other people.

Anything that could go wrong did! Chris and his son get evicted from their apartment and move into a motel. He can only work six hours a day while the other interns worked nine, plus his boss keeps asking him to get coffee and doughnuts, so he falls behind. Two scanners are stolen. He sells a scanner, but the bank takes most of his money from his account for unpaid taxes. They get evicted from the motel and have to live in a homeless shelter. Finally, they fail to make it to the homeless shelter on time and have to sleep in a bus terminal bathroom overnight.

In the end, Chris recovers the stolen scanners, passes the investment test and ends up earning the most money because he switched to targeting the top executives of a company to invest with him. Dean Witter offers him a broker position and in 1987 opened his own firm. He continues to this day to teach people to never give up!

My Thoughts:

To me, the best scene of the movie is when Chris and his son are playing basketball and Chris tells him to give up. His son becomes dejected and puts his ball away. Chris realizes his mistake and tells his son, “Don’t ever let somebody tell you you can’t do something. Not even me. Alright? You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can’t do something themselves they want to tell you you can’t do it. You want something go get it. Period.”

Unfortunately, everyone has an opinion of how you “should” live your life. You should do it their way or the way everyone else does. The funny thing is that in their next breadth they will tell you that the greatest people – like Steve Jobs, Oprah, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Mother Theresa – did it their own way. So I say, follow the examples of greatest instead of those of mediocrity and remember, never give up! Anyway, good luck and God bless you in everything you do!

Twelve apostles and their mission (Matthew 10: 1-15)

Bible Summary:

Jesus calls the twelve apostles: Simon (called Peter), Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew (the tax collector), James, Thaddaeus, Simon the Patriot, and Judas Iscariot, who later betrays him. He gives them the mission to drive out evil spirits, heal the sick and lepers, and bring the dead back to life. Jesus tells them to preach the Good News in Israel, instead of the lands of the Gentiles and Samarians. He tells his disciples to leave with nothing but their clothes and not to accept money nor beg. They are to seek shelter in each new town and greet their host with peace. If they are not welcome, they are to “shake the dust off their feet” and move on to the next town. Jesus assures them that an unwelcoming town will receive no mercy on Judgment Day.

My Thoughts:

Characters of the story: Matthew summarizes the characters in his story very succinctly. He mentions the disciples’ relationships as brothers and sons, that Simon is renamed Peter (we learn why later), that Matthew is a tax collector and that Judas betrays Jesus. Mathew then tells us the apostles’ mission: to preach the Good News and heal people.

Reason to believe: Jesus asks a lot of his disciples – to leave with nothing, to expect others to feed and shelter them, and to just keep moving on from town to town, whether the people want to hear the Good News or not. It is interesting that many people use Jesus’ miraculous birth, healing powers, and many miracles to prove his divinity. Frankly, the fact that these twelve people were willing to give up their lives, initially in preaching the Good News and later in fact, with no earthly reward, speaks volumes for Jesus’ closeness to God.

No Gentiles: It was surprising to read that Jesus had the apostles focus on the Jews. I always thought they mainly spoke to the Gentiles. Maybe I’m getting ahead of the story.

Woman finds wedding ring in tornado rubble

A tornado blew through Woodward, Oklahoma last Sunday and Emilee Neagle had 26 minutes to get her family out of the house. In the rush, they left her wedding ring on the bathroom counter and the family dog in the house. After eight hours with a metal detector and help from her third-grade class, Emilee found her wedding ring. And, the dog was fine too. Learn more in the Oklahoma woman finds dog, wedding ring amid tornado rubble story from CNN.

This story emphasizes that when it comes down to what is truly important in life, it is all about your family and not your possessions, which can be replaced (or found). Enjoy your family while you can.