Person 1, Kindness 26

Sarah York of Tacoma, Washington spent her 26th birthday doing 26 random acts of kindness around town. Her log of the acts on Facebook are almost as good as what she learned from the reactions.  Read the details in the One day, 26 acts of kindness story at Komo News.

Doing kind acts many times does more for the doer than the receivers.  Try it today and see.

Random kindness: paying off layaways

Kindness can be hard to administer as a woman discovered in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. She learned about the “Pay It Forward” idea from her middle-school-aged daughter and decided to pay off layaway bills for three people at Kmart, but the store would not let her – initially.  The assistant manager thought it was unfair to those who were not chosen.  The store’s manager later invited the woman back and she was very happy to help a few families make sure they had toys for the kids for Christmas.  Read the full Area woman practices random act of kindness by paying off layaways story at The Patriot News.

This reminds me of a time when I paid for the last few items, food essentials, for a woman in front of me at the store.  The cashier smiled and said, “Bless you,” but the person behind me in line asked, “What about me?”

These random acts of kindness are so rare that many people involved do not know how to respond.  There are no rules – nor should there be.  My motto is to just keep doing it and they will catch on eventually.

Kindness is catchy

I stumbled on this story about random acts of kindness catching on at Riley’s Cafe in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.  It seems that patrons are passing along the kindness they receive to others and it is continuing each week.  Read the Random Acts Of Kindness Reported At Cafe story at Channel 8 in Des Moines.

Ripples can begin with a single pebble.  Be that pebble.