Jesus says to focus on riches in heaven (Matthew 6: 19-23)

Bible Summary:

Jesus tells the crowd at the Sermon on the Mount to store up riches in heaven instead of the ones on earth that can be destroyed or stolen. He says, “Your heart will always be where your riches are” and your eyes are a lamp of your body, so see light and your body will not be in darkness.

My Thoughts:

You receive what you focus on: Focus on money and you will receive money, but maybe at a high price – sacrifice of your family, your honor, and your soul. Storing up riches in heaven means casting aside the concern for money and focusing instead on making life better for as many other people as possible.

Enough: So, know when you have enough – food, shelter, clothes, and other possessions – to live in this world, and then focus all of your time on doing good. It will make all the difference in your life.

Addendum: Manna from Heaven (Exodus 16)

Bible Summary:

A month and a half after leaving Egypt, the Israelites are just opposite a desert from Mount Sinai when they start complaining to Moses about him starving them to death. God tells Moses He will rain food down from the sky and that the people must collect enough, two quarts each, except on the sixth day when they are to collect four. Moses and Aaron tell the Israelites that God has heard their complaints “against Him”. Once the morning dew evaporates, thin and flaky white seeds that taste like thin cakes made with homey covered the desert. They ate this manna from heaven for the next forty years until they reached Canaan.

My Thoughts:

Enough: I missed a key point about the God Provides Manna for the Israelites story … the concept of enough. God provided for the needs of the Israelites, but some of them wanted more, so He only let the manna last for a day or two. They gathered only what they needed each day, no more, and God fed them for forty years.

Many people always want more now-a-days. They upgrade cell phones as soon as possible, trade up to better cars, redecorate their living space or move to one with more room, and work more and more to move up the corporate ladder and earn more money. The key question is, when will they be satisfied? When will they have enough?