Jacob Meets Esau (Gen 33)

Bible Summary:

As Esau and 400 men approach, Jacob divides his family by the concubines first, then Leah, and finally Rachel and Joseph. To Jacob’s surprise, Esau runs up and hugs and kisses him. They both cry tears of joy.

Esau questions Jacob about the group of servants he met earlier. Jacob admits it was to gain his favor. Esau tells him to keep the animals since he has enough, but Jacob urges Esau to keep them.

Esau urges Jacob to leave for Edom. Jacob tells him to go ahead since they will be slow with the kids and animals. Esau leaves and Jacob goes to Sukkoth instead. Jacob finishes his journey back at Shechem in Canaan, buys a field for his camp for 100 silver pieces, and erects an altar to the God of Israel.

My Thoughts:

Caution: Jacob still shows caution towards Esau even though the warm welcome, likely since Esau arrived with an army, and finds his own place away from Esau’s Edom.

Israel: It is weird that Jacob does not go by Israel after being renamed, except for the reference to God of Israel. It sounds like each tribe had its own god, like Laban’s, so did we just end up with our God because Jacob’s family wrote the stories? I guess we will find more as we continue.