Jesus says not to break promises (Matthew 5: 33-37)

Bible Summary:

Jesus tells the crowd at the Sermon on the Mount to not break a promise or swear a vow by God or heaven, just say ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

My Thoughts:

Promises: Jesus distinguishes between a vow and a promise. It seems a vow – where you swear to God – is much more binding, though we are still not to break our promises. I guess if you promise something, you can get out of it for extenuating reasons, but a vow you must do everything in your power to complete it – including risking your life.

Military, Firefighters and Police: I guess the best examples are the men and women who serve in the military and as firefighters and police officers. They have made a vow to protect the citizens and are willing to risk their lives. They do not run away, but push through the fear to save others. Thank you all for this vow to keep us safe!