God Establishes First Synagogue (Exodus 25)

Bible Summary:

God tells Moses to have the Israelites make him an offering of gold, silver and many other items. He is to accept whatever each person gives. The items are to be used to create a sacred tent for God to be with the people, a covenant box to house the Ten Commandment tablets, a table to offer bread to God, and a lampstand.

My Thoughts:

Most Important Chapter: Amazing! In one chapter of the book of Exodus we are given the beginning of the Priesthood, the first synagogue (the tent), the Ark of the Covenant (the box), and the detailed design of the menorah (the lampstand).

Be Gracious: God tells Moses to accept whatever each person can give. I think He was telling Moses they should he gracious for each gift because a small gift to them may be enormous to the giver.  Let’s take this to heart this Christmas and be grateful for each gift we receive no matter the size or how much we like it.