Jacob Marries (Gen 29: 1-30)

Bible Summary:

Jacob arrives at Uncle Laban’s well, meets his daughter Rachel, and falls in love.  Laban runs out to meet Jacob, invites him to the house, and Jacob stays for a month.  Laban tells Jacob he should not work for free, so asks his price.  Jacob admits he loves Rachel and is willing to work seven years for her hand in marriage.  Laban agrees.

After seven years, Laban gives a wedding feast but then brings his eldest daughter Leah to Jacob for the night.  Jacob does not realize the trick until the morning and then confronts Laban.  Laban says it is custom for the oldest daughter to marry first, but if Jacob will agree to seven more years of labor, he can marry Rachel at the end of the weeklong marriage celebration.  Jacob agrees and Rachel becomes his wife at the end of the week. Jacob works for Laban for another seven years.

My Thought:

For Love: What would you do for love?  Jacob endures 14 years of labor and being tricked into marrying someone he is not really interested in.  The customs of that time and culture are vastly different, but the fairytale of love rings true to this day.  Divorce seems more the truth of today.  True love is very hard to come by.  Maybe Jacob had it right, to wait until they were older and more mature before getting married.