A Wife for Isaac (Gen 24)

Bible Summary:

Abraham wants to find a wife for his son Isaac from his own people back in northern Mesopotamia.  He sends a servant, but tells him under no circumstance is Isaac to go there since God promised them the land of Canaan.

The servant takes ten camels, stops at a well outside the city, and prays to God to let the woman that offers him and his camels water to become Isaac’s wife.  Rebecca, a beautiful virgin and second cousin to Isaac, fulfills the water offer.  The servant gives her gold jewelry.  She says they can stay at her father’s place and leaves to tell him.

Rebecca’s brother Laban returns to bring the servant to their home.  The servant tells Rebecca’s family about Abraham, how Sarah died, and that Isaac is to inherit great wealth. Rebecca’s father Bethuel and Laban say Rebecca can go since God decided the matter. The servant gives expensive gifts to Rebecca, Laban, and her mother.  Laban and their mother ask if Rebecca can stay home for 7-10 days before leaving, but the servant wants to leave immediately, so they ask Rebecca and she agrees to leave right away.

Rebecca’s family gives her a blessing, “May you, sister, become the mother of millions! May your descendents conquer the cities of their enemies.”

Upon the servant’s return to Canaan, Isaac meets them in a field.  Rebecca covers her face with a scarf.  The servant retells everything to Isaac.  Isaac takes Rebecca into his mother’s old tent and she becomes his wife.  Isaac loves Rebecca and is comforted for the loss of his mother.

My Thoughts:

The First Princess Fairy Tale: The king, Abraham, wants a nice princess for his son. Isaac.  The king searches for said princess in a land of his ancestors far, far, away. Rebecca does the right thing, serving others, to be worthy of being a true princess.  She and her family are glad to join such a rich family.  Her mother and brother want her to stay just a little longer, but alas she agrees to leave forthwith to be with her betrothed.  Isaac takes his princess to his mother’s old castle and makes her, Rebecca, his wife.  Isaac loves Rebecca.  The end.

Kind of sounds like Cinderella and many of the other princess stories, doesn’t it?  I think this one from about 4,000 years ago was likely first!

Foreshadowing: This is a great story.  I am sure the “conquer the cities of their enemies” is foretelling some future events.  The suspense is killing me.

Money: This story shows that the pursuit of money has been around for thousands of years.  Money can buy nice things, but not always happiness.  The real challenge of money is to know when you have enough.  Most people continue to strive for more and never stop to “smell the roses” until it is too late: a health problem surfaces, they become too old to enjoy it, or they lose the one they wanted to share it with.  Be sure to enjoy life and your family along the way.