Abram’s First Son (Gen 16)

Text Summary:

Abram’s wife Sarai suggests he have a child with her Egyptian slave Hagar since she had not given him any children into their eighties.  Hagar gets pregnant, becomes proud, and despises Sarai, so Sarai treats Hagar so cruelly that Hagar runs away.  An Angel of the Lord tells Hagar to return so she can have many descendants from her son.  He warns that Ishmael will be wild and against everyone and live apart from his relatives.  Abram is 86-years-old when Ishmael is born.

My Thoughts:

Aging Legacy: Getting closer to their mortality – Sarai and Abram are in their eighties – has likely made them realize they have no one to leave their great wealth.  Sarai is too old to have children, so she offers up her slave girl as a solution.

Pride: Sarai is all for Hagar’s pregnancy until Hagar throws it in her face. Hagar’s pride triggers Sarai to become cruel enough to force her to leave.

Wearing pride on the outside may feel good at the time, but more often than not boasting causes resentment that can flair against you later.  Instead, wear your pride on the inside – just smile and enjoy the moment to yourself.  If you can’t keep it inside, run to a place where you are alone to celebrate out loud.

Karma: It is kind of ironic that Abram has Egyptian slaves and his descendants later become enslaved by the Egyptians.  I guess things ultimately come full circle.